Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Volume 7, Number 53

Write to us!
Photo of the day:

Today’s issue:


1) Librarian presents proposed McCabe renovations to SC

2) Swatties get up early to watch the Leonids

3) Student Council candidate platforms

4) Swarthmore police report

5) World news roundup

6) Campus events


1) Upcoming Intramural Dodgeball Tournament

2) Upcoming contests


Today: Partly cloudy, high of 57. Light winds.
Where does a fish go when it loses its best friend?

Tonight: Partly cloudy, low of 39. Light winds.
The Missafishy River!

Tomorrow: Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the 40s. Chance of rain in the
You may wonder what this generic joke has to do with Swarthmore–obviously,
you don’t realize they’re serving fish at Sharples tonight


Lunch: Mom’s meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetable lo-mein, spinach
succotash, cut green beans, moo shu bar, rice krispy treats

Dinner: Fresh fish, scalloped potatoes, cajun black beans, pasta & sauce,
broccoli, mixed vegetables, pasta bar, apple crisp


1) Librarian presents proposed McCabe renovations to SC

by Jeremy Schifeling
Co-Managing Editor

Student Council members were treated to a sneak preview of plans for the
renovation of McCabe at their Monday night meeting, courtesy of College
Librarian Peggy Seiden.

Seiden offered the Council a vision of a new McCabe, designed around the
needs of students and faculty, and with an eye to modern technologies and
aesthetics. She also touched upon the possibility of longer hours for the
library, a perennial student request.

Many of the most dramatic changes being considered would be implemented at
the Lower Level, which will likely be home to a “New Media Center,”
consisting of video viewing and production rooms for individuals and
classes, as well as a high-tech scanning facility. Additionally, the Center
would be full-staffed by Media Services personnel, who would move to the
library from their current home in LPAC.

To make room for the technology area, compact shelving, of the variety
currently installed in Cornell basement, would be introduced to hold bound
periodicals and government documents. Seiden noted that such modern storage
devices are essential, as the library is currently consuming 88% of its
shelf capacity – 2% above the standard limit.

On the main floor, the architectural plans call for replacing the
book-sorting area with a Student Support Services center. Seiden is hoping
that this area will “bring together both research consultation and writing
consultation in one space,” with the relocation of the Writing Center from
Trotter to the library. Additionally, with more room at their disposal,
WA’s would be able to hold private conferences with students, instead of
having to consult in the open environment of the current center. Council
Co-President Ryan Budish ’04 also saw virtues in this arrangement, as it
would possibly allow WA’s to become more involved in the research process,
rather than focusing solely on written drafts.

The most notable changes on the upper floors will likely be the
installation of bay windows along the wall facing over the Rose Garden.
Similarly, Seiden discussed other layout alterations that would add to the
amount of natural light circulating throughout the building.

Additional changes to the top floor include more group study spaces and the
conversion of the currently-locked Treasure Room into an open reading room.
Much of the prized collection will be kept in the room, on display behind
locked glass, allowing for study, poetry readings, and a general “love of
the book,” according to Seiden.

Beyond alterations to specific floors, Seiden discussed a number of
whole-building renovations, including new heating, ventilation, and
sprinkler systems, a removal of asbestos, and updates to achieve full
ADA-compliance. These renovations, combined with the new features listed
above, should give the library a 10-year window before it needs to build a
physical addition to house its growing collection.

However, due to the College’s recent budgetary troubles, the start date for
the current line-up of renovations is still up in the air. Originally
slated to commence this summer and continue for two summers beyond that,
the first updates may be pushed backed until the school’s financial picture
is shored up. Nevertheless, Seiden is confident that the plan will move
ahead soon, given that it has a relatively cheap price-tag of $6.6 million,
much of which is wrapped up in contingencies – meaning that the ultimate
cost could be considerably lower.

A final library reform being considered, and the one perhaps most
eagerly-anticipated by students, is a lengthening of McCabe’s hours. Seiden
says she is currently looking into the possibility of keeping the library
open until 3:00 a.m. (it’s only open until 1:00 a.m. now), but that she
needs fiscal and institutional support from the administration to make it
happen. Although the Dean’s Office is currently against such a plan, due to
a concern over it’s effect on student sleep patterns and health, Seiden
notes that the plan would be relatively cheap and is, in fact, much in
demand, according to a recent library survey. If she can gain
administrative support, the new hours will likely take effect next year.

The McCabe renovation blueprints shown to the Council will be put on
display in the library shortly. Students are encouraged to check them out
and provide feedback to


2) Swatties get up early to watch the Leonids

by Saurav Dhital
Gazette Reporter

Early Tuesday morning (around 4:30 a.m.), Swatties were gathered in
different parts of the college watching the Leonids raining down upon the
earth. In the Crum Woods, on Parrish beach, and around the field house,
they were shivering with cold from lying down on the ground; so that they
would get a better view of the shooting stars.

Shouts of, “There’s a small one over there!” and “Wow! That’s gorgeous!”
were heard at Parrish beach, where more than 40 people accumulated over the
course of 90 minutes. Clad in heavy clothing and using blankets to combat
the biting cold, the students lay on their backs facing the east.

Tim Lang ’04 said, “Watching a meteor shower is not easy; it requires a
strong neck, warm clothing, temperance, and a whole lot of patience.
Meteors last all of about half a second, and occur about every minute or two.”

“Every minute or two,” however, was a very high frequency by shower
standards; this year’s Leonid showers were the biggest they’ve been in 200
years. During the 2001 shower, observers saw up to 10,000 meteors an hour,
the heaviest concentration of Leonids since 1966, when there were an
estimated 150,000 shooting stars an hour during peak times. The meteor
concentration varies from year to year, depending on whether the earth
encounters sparse or thick bands of the comet’s debris.

The pristine material from comets may be no bigger than sand grains. As
they bounce across the upper atmosphere at speeds of about 160,000 mph
(260,000 km/h), they heat up, vaporize and appear to us as fireballs being
kicked across the sky.

The Leonids, so named because they seem to originate from the constellation
Leo, occur every November as a result of the comet Temple Tuttle that
swings around the Sun every 33 years. This year, the earth passed through
two clouds of debris, which meant viewers across Europe and North America
had the chance to catch the spectacle at two peak periods, about six hours
apart, overnight between November 18 and 19.

In his yard, Physics Professor Eric Jensen reported seeing 10-15 bright
meteors in around 10 minutes around 5:30 a.m. He said, “It was nice–while
I was watching, I was thinking that the rock being vaporized to produce
those flashes of light is relatively pristine material left over from the
formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago, so that all over Earth
last night, bits of the early solar system were raining down from the
sky… It was cool, but so was the air, so with that thought, I went back
to bed.”

Most viewers felt that it was good showing, though the full moon, fog, and
clouds diminished the number of meteors visible. As Yavor Georgiev ’06
said, “Even though the shower wasn’t as spectacular as I expected it to be,
I still had great time, despite the cold and the early hour. I particularly
enjoyed talking to the many other people that were up so early.”

Lang agreed that the experience was unique and memorable. “When was the
last time I stood in the middle of a field with a bunch of friends at 4:30
a.m., intently watching the stars?” he asked. “When will be the next time?”


3) Student Council candidate platforms

Student Council elections will be held this Friday through Sunday via
online voting, and Monday through Wednesday at Sharples. The following are
the unedited platforms submitted for printing from the candidates running
for office in the upcoming elections. Edited versions will appear in
tomorrow’s Phoenix.


Dear Fellow Students,

This is Wee Chua, and I am running for Campus Relations Representative. In
fulfilling the role of Campus Relations Representative, I will ensure that
Student Council is not just a group of students, instead a group of
students intent on helping the college community. In an attempt to further
communication between Student Council and the Swarthmore community, I will
establish an e-mail list that summarizes the meetings of Student Council.
The Phoenix and the Daily Gazette will also receive news on the actions of
Student Council. Working as a liaison between the people and the Student
Council, I will bring the college back to the people. Thank you, VOTE WEE

If there are any questions or suggestions contact me.
Phone #: x1240 E-mail: wchua1

My name is Mark Hanis and I am running for Campus Relations Rep. Why should
you vote for me? I am motivated, accountable, and qualified. My leadership
experience includes: a CA, a counselor, a teacher, an Eagle Scout, a L4L
mentor, and an EMT. I am also ready to learn and work with others in SC,
the administration, and the student body. What can I do? As CRR, it’s my
job to keep you informed on SC’s activities and I’ll be damn good at it
too. I had the opportunity to teach a marketing class this summer to 6th
and 7th graders. Thus, I know the importance in the delivery/presentation
of a certain good. Currently abroad in Rome, I can see Swarthmore with a
fresh perspective. With a new drive and inspiration I will ensure that you
are up to date on all SC activities. Why am I special? I am the only
Ecuadorian-Scottish-Austrian-American student at Swat. Please feel free to
contact me at mhanis1 with any questions, comments, or concerns. I would
appreciate your vote.


Hello, I am Anna Morgan ’04, and I am the current Student Council
Secretary/Treasurer. Last year I was Student Council’s Educational Policy
Representative, and therefore served on Curriculum Committee, Council on
Educational Policy, and worked on the Class Recommendation Books. Over the
past two years I have also participated in several other campus
organizations including ADVICE, the Diversity Taskforce, Swarthmore Young
Friends and the search committee for the Associate Dean for Multicultural
Affairs. I feel confident that I have gained the knowledge and skills that
will enable me to successfully work with both students and administrators
as Co-President. During the next year I hope to increase the efficiency of
Council. I feel that Council has great potential, and just needs to be
properly motivated and directed in order to achieve that potential. Rather
than working on my own specific agenda items, I will try to help other
members of Council achieve their goals by running meetings more
efficiently, keeping tabs on the work of Council members, and improving
relations with faculty and administration, which would make Council’s plans
more feasible. I look forward to the possibility of serving as your
Co-President, and I would greatly appreciate your vote.


(Platform not received by publication deadline)

SECRETARY/TREASURER: Doru Gavril, Andrew Gisselquist

Few people really know what the Secretary is supposed to do. That’s because
few of the past secretaries actually finished their terms. I intend to
stick to this job and attend to the duties you entrust to me. I won’t
abandon ship and I promise you won’t have to vote again in two weeks. I
have the time and dedication this position necessitates and I am ready to
put them to work and see things get done.

Besides facilitating a smoother functioning of the Student Council itself,
I see the Secretary position as an opportunity to bring the Council closer
to the student body. Track records of the actual votes and minutes of
meetings will be available in a periodic newsletter to the campus. You vote
for us, so better keep an eye on your representatives. Let’s keep in touch.

As Secretary I will promote better and faster communication between the
Council and our constituents. I will implement a state of the art website
providing you with all the information you will ever need. Getting a
charter, funding for your group or starting a small revolution will be just
a click away. Well, that was just a campaign promise – forget the
revolution part.

You’ve seen me during Orientation 2002 when I was helping Rotaract to set
up the community service component of the orientation. In general, I want
to see things getting done and I also believe that there is true potential
in the Student Council. One of my future jobs, if elected, is to make sure
the Council works more efficiently and gets more things done, faster. I
know that these are the priorities of other members or candidates for the
Council. I will support their efforts and ensure that we work closely
together to make the Council a more efficient body.

A vote for me is a vote for efficiency.

My name is Andrew Gisselquist and I want to be your next Student Council

A legitimate question that I feel must be answered up front is why I
consider myself uniquely qualified to run for this position when nearly
every single member of the student body has the ability to do this job.
Simply put, I realize that for a member of the Student Council to do more
than the minimum of simply fill a position, to be able to meaningfully
create positive change, that person needs to have, first and foremost, a
sense of commitment to the duties inherent in being an active member of the
student council, to the initiatives supported by the student body and to
the community of
Swarthmore. I know that I am such a person and, if given the chance, that I
will be a force for change.

I will make Student Council minutes and current initiatives accessible and
visible to everyone. I will apply my understanding of the range of funding
situations on campus that comes from being a member of such financially
disparate activities as the Peaslee debate society, Positive Alternatives
in Chester and the Cricket Club so that money may be used as effectively as
possible. In addition to the basics of the position, I will commit as much
time as is necessary to initiatives that you find important.

There are many specific initiatives that, given some measure of student
support, I am going to act on if elected. I am fully in support of and will
work towards increasing meal options, including a small meal plan for off
campus students and implementing points at the McCabe coffee bar. I also
support the idea that has recently been proposed regarding revamping SAC
scheduling practices so that no weekend is empty while some overflow with
parties and events. Moreover, the game room needs to be repaired so that
all students may find it enjoyable. This includes getting new pool cues and
fixing the pinball machines and foosball table. Also, I am already working
to bring a network searching program like exists at other colleges here to
Swarthmore in order to make that which other students have chosen to share
more easily accessible to the college community. Finally, I recognize that
there are serious flaws with the PDC and AP credit system. No structure
that rewards PDC and AP credit to introductory courses while higher-level
are often ineligible can be tolerated. Work needs to be and will be done to
revamp these policies. As a starting point to what will be, if elected, a
tenure full of successes I will attend the fireside chat on PDCs today,
Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at 6:30 pm in Kohlberg Coffee Bar. Hope to see you there.

As always, whether elected or not, I am available to listen to suggestions
for action from any member of the Swarthmore community on the phone at
X2014, in email at
, or in person at my room,
conveniently located up 3 large flights of Parrish stairs, Parrish 401.

Andrew Gisselquist ’05


(Platform not received by publication deadline)

CAMPUS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE: Jon Fombonne, Patrick Hart, Anton Voinov

As Campus Life Representative, I plan to develop the campus community and
enhance campus life through a more realistic and pragmatic implementation
of change. There are many feasible goals to be accomplished that would
benefit campus life. For example, I would start a Student Community
Initiative Project where students could volunteer to help build, clean or
do things to make our campus life better without affecting our budget
concerns. A walkway to PPR and cleanup of the Crum are ideas for the first

Another plan is to develop a working cooperative housing option, which
seems long overdue at Swat. I would also try to create more flexible eating
options, such as a 5-meal lunch plan for students who live off-campus.

I am concerned with all aspects of campus life, and some of my other
suggestions would be to install picnic tables outside Sharples, to realize
the campaign to use points at McCabe, to bring back that cool big chair on
Parrish beach, to push for a keycard access system for the campus, and to
create and outdoor orientation option.

As a Council member, I hope to work closely with Lang and Emiliano and
fully support their efforts to improve SAC, to create a more democratic
campus with online voting, to have a more fun campus, and to improve club
sport funding.

Hi! My name is Patrick Hart (class of ’06) and I am running in the student
council election for the position of campus life representative. I want to
be your campus life rep. because I feel that I can do a good job of talking
with Swatties, getting their views on how various aspects of campus life
can be improved, and work in the Student Council to make those changes
happen. We all know Swat is a great school; at the same time, don’t we all
constantly think of ways in which we wish it were different? If I’m
elected, that’ll be my job: listening to your opinions on how student life
could be better and working to implement those changes in the student
council. I don’t want to limit myself to specific areas, especially because
I can’t predict the issues that will come up during my term (if I’m
elected); however, some areas in which I could work on the council to
improve student life are in the culinary variety: don’t we all wish that we
could use meal points in the McCabe coffee bar and that we could use our
meal cards at the snack bar in Tarble the same way we used them at Sharples
(no extra money)? I know that the council has visited these issues before,
but I believe that they’re still issues on which Swatties would like to see
change (just look at the petition next to the coffee bar!), and I will try
to get the council to address these issues again. Another possible change
that could be considered would be in the expansion of the troop fall break
trip program. There are many other schools that have trips during
orientation — if students are interested, the council could press to have
the troop program expanded to include orientation trips and excursions, as
well as trips during fall break. These issues are important, but they’re
hardly the only ones on campus, and if I’m elected I will listen to you on
whatever issues you believe are important and try to take your concerns
about student life at Swat to the student council. So vote for Patrick Hart
for Campus Life Rep!

Even though I have not yet had the opportunity to serve for the Student
Council of Swarthmore, I come into this race with substantial experience in
the field of student government. Having served as both class and school
president during my high school years I possess the skills needed to carry
out my duties, should I be elected for this position, in an efficient and
effective fashion.

Myself having been affiliated with various organizations on campus ensures
my familiarity with the pressing campus issues and the diverse needs of
various students and student groups.

I am a very communicative person, and given the position of Campus Life
Representative I will ensure the existence of reliable channels of
communication between the student body and the administration. I will
strive towards the development of student body consensus, and act as a
perpetual advocate of the student voice before the administrative body.


4) Swarthmore Police Report

from the Swarthmore Borough Police Weekly Bulletin

A Pennsylvania license tag was taken from an auto parked on Oberlin Avenue
between 11/8/2002 and 11/15/2002. Officer Thomas took the report.

Between 12:30 p.m. and 5:18 p.m. on 11/16/2002 a residence in the 100 block
of Rutgers Avenue was burglarized. The front door had been left unlocked
and no signs of forcible entry were detected. Taken were prescription
medications and music CDs valued at $400. Officer Thomas took the report.

Three more instruments were discovered missing from the Swarthmore Rutledge
School on 11/18/2002. They were last seen secure on 11/11/2002. One
previously stolen instrument was recovered. Officer Thomas is investigating.

On 11/18/2002 at 3:50 p.m. a juvenile attempted to take cigarettes valued
at $4.00 from the Coop without paying for the items. He was detained by
store personnel and cited for shoplifting by Officer Thomas.


5) World news roundup

* The U.S. Senate voted 90-9 to pass a homeland security bill on Tuesday.
The bill is the result of months of debate and will create a new
Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security by taking over all or part of
the responsibilities of 22 currently existing agencies. President Bush is
expected to sign the bill early next week. The bill contains seven
provisions added by House Republicans last week that Democrats have labeled
as “special interest provisions,” which were a source of contention in the
Senate debate. The Senate defeated a motion to strip the bill of the
amendments 52-47 on Tuesday morning after Republican leaders promised that
they would work to eliminate three of the amendments next year.

* Amram Mitzna, mayor of the city of Haifa and a former Israeli general,
won the elections for the leadership of the Labor Party on Tuesday. Mitzna
beat the incumbent Labor leader Benjamin Ben-Eliezer for the top spot. He
has pledged to withdraw Israeli troops from Gaza if he becomes prime
minister in January and has also said he will make an immediate return to
the negotiating table and seriously look into the removal of settlements in
the West Bank. Polls pitting him against the Likud’s party leader and
current prime minister Ariel Sharon, however, show Sharon to be the likely
winner of the elections in January.

* President Bush arrived in Prague Tuesday night in advance of a NATO
summit where he will discuss the war on terrorism and the inspections in
Iraq. The summit will also approve the second expansion of NATO into former
Soviet republics, by inviting seven new countries to join the organization.
The countries that will be invited to join are Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia,
Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

* The Bahamian-flagged oil tanker Prestige broke in half and sank about 130
miles off Spain’s northwest coast Tuesday. The tanker was originally
damaged six days ago in heavy seas and gale-force winds. The tanker sank
with approximately 19.6 million gallons of oil still inside. The Prestige
originally carried 22.6 million gallons but officials have estimated that
in the past six days about 3 million gallons have been leaked. Officials
further speculated that the cleanup effort could take as long as four years.


6) Campus events

Resume Blitz
Career Services (Parrish 140), 5:00 p.m.

Video Showing: “Lengua de las Mariposas”
Kohlberg 116,7:30 pm

“Trouble in the Himalayan Kingdom: The Royal Massacre and the People’s War
in Nepal”
Student panel, educational film, and Q&A
Kohlberg 115, 7:30 pm

Guest Lecture: Tim Wise
Kohlberg- Sheuer Room, 8:00 pm

Wanted: students who receive financial aid/scholarships and are willing to
discuss the importance of this financial assistance to their college
career. The Publications Office is looking for several students with
interesting or compelling stories for an article dealing with the
importance of financial aid. The article will appear in a College
newsletter. If you’re willing to help, please contact Angela Doody at
690-5756 or at



1) Upcoming Intramural Dodgeball Tournament

There will be a dodgeball tournament on December 8th at 1:30 pm in Tarble
Pavilion (Lamb Miller Fieldhouse).
Sign up by December 2nd at:


2) Upcoming contests

There are no contests scheduled for today or tomorrow.



“Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American
life. Violence and committee meetings.”
–George Will

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Managing Editors: Pei Pei Liu
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News Editor: Alexis Reedy
Living & Arts Editor: Evelyn Khoo
News Reporters: Charlie Buffie
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Ben Kligfield
Greg Leiserson
Megan Mills
Nelson Pavlosky
Kent Qian
Aude Scheuer
Siyuan Xie
Roxanne Yaghoubi
Sports Writers: Jenna Adelberg
Saurav Dhital
Sarah Hilding
Holice Kil
Pat Quinn
Photographers: David Bing
Liz Bada
Elizabeth Buckner
Casey Reed
Webmaster: Jeremy Schifeling
World News: Greg Leiserson
Campus Sports: Charlie Buffie

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated
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Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics Department

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This concludes today’s report.

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