Thursday, October 10, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Volume 7, Number 29

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Photo of the day:

Today’s issue:


1) College Corner: Women in Science Founder, Robin Smith ’03

2) World news roundup

3) Campus events


1) Volleyball falls to F&M

2) Women’s soccer beats Bears, sets record

3) Upcoming contests


Today: Possible showers in the afternoon. High around 68.
Do you ever get the sense that time is slightly warped at Swat?

Tonight: Cloudy with occasional rain. Low near 59.
Whether it’s saying “Good Morning” at 2 in the afternoon or writing “Today”
in an email at 3 in the morning – standard vocabulary just isn’t suited for
our temporally-confused lifestyles.

Tomorrow: Overcast and wet. Highs in the mid 60s.
What would Einstein say about this phenomenon? (aside from “Go to sleep


Lunch: Chicken pot pie, homemade biscuits, baked pasta with spinach,
vegetable ragout, spinach, vegetable blend, fajita bar, cupcakes

Dinner: Beef stroganoff, buttered noodles, garden burgers, tofu creole,
succotash, vegetable blend, patty grilla bar, cheesecake


1) College Corner: Women in Science Founder, Robin Smith ’03

Women In Science is a group, just formed this semester, for female students
interested in the natural sciences. They meet Mondays at 5:30 in Sharples
Room 4.  Robin Smith, a senior Honors physics major with a math minor, is
the founder of Women in Science, as well as SWAP (Swarthmore Women in
Astronomy and Physics). After graduation, Robin plans to study abroad in
Europe for a couple of years, doing math or quantum optics research.
Subsequently she hopes to go on to do physics in graduate school and
eventually teach undergraduate physics.

Daily Gazette: Why did you decide to start this group?

Robin Smith: I realized that after three years, there were still some
aspects of my physics classes that made me uncomfortable. I know that I had
tried very hard to overcome my shyness and the fear that I might betray to
others how stupid I feel in comparison to them, but sometimes, epecially in
seminars, I still felt that way. I had always thought this was my own fault;
that I could eventually overcome it. But when I talked with a female student
in the class below me, I found she had similar fears and experienced more
stressful classroom dynamics, thanks to a bunch of really aggressive, vocal
guys. It helped both of us when we discussed these issues and realized that
we were not alone in our struggles to gain confidence to succeed in physics.
So I thought, it’d be good to create a network of students who could share
experiences like this with each other, and to gain advice and support in
studying physics.

DG: Do you feel that forming this group will cause a further divide between
the genders?

RS: Yes, in the beginning I was worried that by separating the genders we
would actually create a bit more of a problem. We’re really not trying to
make the guys feel bad! We just wanted a place where we can discuss issues
relating to women in science.  Then, when we started, several senior guys
said they were interested in participating in the support network, and some
underclassmen guys come to meetings as well, which is great! So it’s more of
a support for physics in general.

DG: What do you talk about during your meetings?

RS: On our Monday meetings we talk about the activities of the Women in
Computer Science, SWAP, and SWE (Society of Women Engineers) groups, how
these groups can help each other, and how to start similar groups in math,
bio, and chemistry. On Monday this week, we talked about how differences in
career paths in science and social sciences might discourage women from
pursuing science.

During our Sunday meetings, when we meet up with students of the SWAP
mentorship program, aside from pairing up new mentors and mentees, we also
plan useful events like dinners with women in physics from Bryn Mawr, visits
to SWPS (Society of Women in Physical Sciences) and their physics research
facilities at Penn, updating the SWAP website, touring research labs in
Dupont, plans for talking to prospective physics students during admitted
students weekend in the spring, and starting a weekly astronomy/physics
journal cub meeting.

DG: Wow. So do you ever just kick back, forget about science for a second
and just do fun stuff together?

RS: Yes, definitely! We’re planning fun events like SWAP movie nights, the
recent Liquid Nitrogen ice cream party that was pretty successful, and a
possible trip to the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia.

For more information on SWAP:


2) World news roundup

* A man was killed while pumping gas in Manassas, Virginia on Wednesday
night. Authorities are investigating whether the shooting had any connection
to the string of sniper shootings in the DC area that has led to six deaths.
Investigators have followed several leads in the case, including a tarot
“death card,” reading “Dear Policeman, I am God,” found near the site where
a thirteen-year-old boy was shot on Monday, but have yet to announce any
major suspects. Meanwhile, the cash reward for information leading to the
killer’s apprehension has grown to over $300,000.

* US authorities have indicted the head of an Islamic charity agency on
charges of being a financial front for al-Qaeda. Enaam Arnaout, 40, is the
head of the Benevolence International Foundation, which contends that it
raised money solely for world-wide humanitarian efforts. Arab-American and
Muslim groups point to the indictment as evidence of increased
discrimination against organizations based in the Middle East since the
September 11th attacks. However, US officials say that they have uncovered
evidence that the organization had links to militant groups, including
al-Qaeda precursors, since the 1980s.

* An October 7 letter from CIA director George Tenet, suggesting that a US
invasion of Iraq could spur Saddam Hussein to give weapons of mass
destruction to terrorist groups, is causing much dissension within the Bush
administration. While Bush and certain members of the administration have
argued that Hussein’s regime must be checked now to prevent the further
proliferation of such weapons, Tenet and others have countered that Iraq is
unlikely to take such drastic action while unprovoked.  However, Tenet noted
that even in the absence of an attack, Hussein was likely to increase
contacts with terrorist organizations.


3) Campus events

Merck Research Labs Info Session
Kohlberg 330, 4:00 p.m.

Aikido Club Practice
Wrestling Room – Lamb-Miller Field House, 7:00 p.m.

College Bowl Meeting
Kohlberg 202, 7:00 p.m.

Latin American & Spanish Film Festival
Kohlberg 115, 7:30 p.m.

Film: “Fist of Legend”
SCCS Lounge, 7:30 p.m.



1) Volleyball falls to F&M

by Saurav Dhital
Gazette Sportswriter

The women’s volleyball team lost 3-0 (17-30, 16-30, 17-30) to the Franklin &
Marshall Diplomats at home last night. In front of a meager midterm-week
crowd, the Garnet struggled to find their rhythm until the third set, which
they opened strongly and led till the halfway point. However, it turned out
to be a case of missed opportunities as F&M pulled away in the set and the
match, relegating Swat to 0-3 in the Conference and 2-10 overall.

Featuring a significant height advantage over the Garnet, the Diplomats
generally showed greater skill, organization, and team coordination.
Nevertheless, Swat got excellent individual performances from Natalie Dunphy
’05 and Emma Benn ’04 – who stood out with their strong, attacking play at
the net. But as a team, the Garnet need to improve before it can handle such
solid opposition.

The team next travels to Vassar for the Seven Sisters Tournament, to be held
October 12-13.


2) Women’s soccer beats Bears, sets record

Wednesday will go down in the Garnet history books as a red-letter day for
the women’s soccer team, by virtue of the squad’s 3-1 victory over Ursinus
and the record it notched.  The win, which gives the Garnet an 8-6 overall
record and 4-3 mark in the Centennial Conference, ties the team’s record for
most victories in a season and sets a new precedent for Conference triumphs.
It also featured an individual milestone as Jessica Zagory ’05 netted her
first career goal, off a Stephanie Chapell ’05 assist.  Chapell added a goal
herself minutes later, to be followed by a third score from Tanya Hahnel
’05.  Catherine Salussolia ’04 made seven saves in net to seal the win.


3) Upcoming contests

Field hockey at West Chester (Scrimmage), 4:00 p.m.

There are no contests scheduled for tomorrow.



“When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: ‘Whose?'”
–Don Marquis

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Managing Editors:   Pei Pei Liu
Jeremy Schifeling
Online Editor:         Jeremy Schifeling
News Editor:          Alexis Reedy
Living/Arts Editor:  Evelyn Khoo
News Reporters:    Charlie Buffie
Mary Harrison
Lola Irele
Ben Kligfield
Greg Leiserson
Megan Mills
Nelson Pavlosky
Aude Scheuer
Siyuan Xie
Roxanne Yaghoubi
Sportswriters:         Holice Kil
Shavaugn Lewis
Pat Quinn
Photographers:       Liz Bada
Elizabeth Buckner
David Bing
Casey Reed
World News:         Roxanne Yaghoubi
Campus Sports:     Megan Mills
Greg Leiserson

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated
regularly, as news happens. Technical support from the Swarthmore College
Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of sources, most
notably the Associated Press (,
Reuters (, CNN
(, and The New York Times (
Our campus sports
summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics Department

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This concludes today’s report.

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