Tuesday, September 24, 2002

September 24, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Volume 7, Number 17

Our new email address:

Photo of the day:

Today’s issue:


1) Faculty panel discusses war with Iraq

2) New Ville restaurant has lots of old charm

3) World news roundup

4) Campus events


1) Upcoming contests


Today: Partly cloudy. High near 77.
Now that it’s officially Fall, isn’t it time that the campus gets with the

Tonight: Mostly clear shifting to partly cloudy. Low around 57.
I mean, with hordes of prospective students already on their way, where are the
picture-perfect orange-red leaves?  The crisp, but soothing, winds of autumn?

Tomorrow: Lots of clouds. High in the mid 70s.
Glancing through the Swat catalog, I can already envision the “false
advertising” suits just
waiting to be filed…


Lunch: Open face turkey-ham sandwich, curly fries, vegetarian chili, open face
sandwhich, french cut green beans, mixed vegetables, Asian chicken salad bar,
marble cake

Dinner: Catfish with creole tartar sauce, corn pudding, broccoli-mushroom
stir-fry, tomatoes
provencal, brussel sprouts, cheesesteak bar, cheese cake


1) Faculty panel discusses war with Iraq

by Megan Mills and Charlie Buffie – Gazette News Reporter
with additional reporting by Nelson Pavlosky

The Scheuer Room was filled last night with people eager to hear the opinions of
Swarthmore faculty members on the possible US war against Iraq. Professors
Timothy Burke,
Jerry Frost, Jeffrey Murer, and James Rego all sat on the panel discussing this

The panel began with Murer, a professor of political science, giving a bit of
history on Iraq. He described the diverse ethnic makeup of the nation, as well
as its
history of repeated aggression towards Kuwait. Saddam Hussein came into power in
1969 and
has been considered a threat since 1979, the year that saw the beginning of an
war between Iraq and Iran. The US worried that this conflict would produce
imbalance in the Middle East, destabilizing critical American energy interests. 
This fear
would be confirmed when, after the war ended in 1988, Hussein attempted to use
his remaining
military might to seize Kuwait.  The US and UN retaliated, resulting in the
Persian Gulf
War. Murer then mentioned that the Bush administration’s current goal of
disarming Iraq
might be better achieved through effective weapons inspections, rather than
military action.

Representing the Chemistry Department, Professor Rego opened his comments by
noting a
kinship to former presidential candidate Ross Perot’s running mate, Admiral
James Stockdale.
Reflecting the latter’s infamous remarks during a presidential debate, Rego
confessed that
he didn’t know “who I am or why am I here?”  In this self-deprecating fashion he
brought the
layman’s view to the table, offering many philosophical questions such as: “Is
any war
justified? Is it possible to be anti-war and pro-regime change? Anti-war and
pro-threat?” He
also recalled the “video-game quality” of the Gulf War, and questioned whether
the US
required an antithetical enemy in order to define and identify itself in the
arena. After discussing his fear that the US was about to set a dangerous
precedent, blinded
by its desire to “kick butt” after 9/11, Rego ended his portion with a plug for
the Chem 22

Professor Frost, of the Religion Department, offered a very precise discourse on
the ethics
of humanitarian intervention, defining each term singly – “ethics” as universal
moral codes
not dependent on culture, “humanitarian” as an effort not concerned with
national interest
that must improve the status quo for all parties involved, and “intervention” as
against the will of the state through military force. He described war as a
necessity” and stated that the US should obtain UN and Security Council approval
for a war
with Iraq to have legitimacy. In order to intervene he believes that the cost
must be less
than the good, it must be a last resort, and that the result must be good for
the Iraqi
people. Frost also highlighted the ease in making hypothetical arguments about
what might
happen, and discussed how the current Bush administration would need to ignore
all of its
previous domestic spending promises in order to finance the war with Iraq and
the subsequent
rebuilding that would be necessary. He concluded by worrying that any military
action would
be “not just war” but instead “just a war.”

Updating his self-described stance as a “warmonger,” which was based on his
views of the war
against terrorism in Afghanistan, the History Department’s Professor Burke
reviewed his
support for war on that first front and explained how those principles led him
to disagree
with the possibility of an “insane” war on Iraq. Perceiving that the war on
terror has been
relatively successful thus far, he did not believe the initial reports of an
intervention in
Iraq, instead classifying them as part of an elaborate disinformation campaign.
when they persisted, he became frightened. After all, by his way of thinking,
such a war
would be the “fulcrum” on which the fate of the US would turn in our time, and
the end of
the “pax Americana.” The world would not be content with a unilaterally-acting
America, and
we would become a threat to world security. According to Burke, going into Iraq
would be so
detrimental to the war on terrorism that the US might as well make posters
saying “Uncle Sam
Wants You to Join Al Qaeda!” Furthermore, he admitted that this issue had driven
into a reluctant alliance with Henry Kissinger and James Baker, both secretaries
of state
under Republican presidents.

After these four opinions, the floor was opened to questions. One student
brought up the
possibility that economics would be a large factor, but Frost cited historical
that downplayed the effect of money, such as Great Britain fighting Germany in
WWI despite
strong financial ties. He also used his response to praise the intelligence of
the current
French and Russian leadership in sorting out these complex issues, as well as to
doubts about the brainpower of the American presidency.

In response to a question concerning the lack of Congressional opposition to the
House’s plan, Burke replied that the Democrats are fearful of expressing too
much anti-war
sentiment and meanwhile hope that someone will “save their fanny” by stalling
intervention until after the November elections. Murer also mentioned that to
attack Iraq
unilaterally and without provocation would be to go against UN Charter and US
law –
transforming the US into a “rogue nation,” according to Burke. Frost offered a
counterargument that the religious roots of international law, dating back to
Aquinas, could potentially support such an intervention, as America could claim
that its
attack was wholly preemptive based on its knowledge of Iraqi plans.

The final discussion on the panel centered around what could be done to
effectively express
anti-war sentiments. Rego suggested getting the word out that it is actually
acceptable, and
even patriotic, to be opposed to the war, while Burke advised that Swatties do
different for a change and “shut up” and listen to the populace. He warned
against offending
people by starting conversations with claims that the US deserved attacks of
September 11th.
Frost recalled that in the Vietnam War era, teach-ins eventually led to support
from the
clergy, who could provide very strong allies in protest, but only if these
objectors aren’t drowned out by media coverage of the radical fringe.

Concluding a very informative evening, Frost noted that “we don’t have an
effective way of
getting rid of a tyrant in the twentieth century,” to which Burke replied,
it’s the twenty-first.”

See a picture from last night’s panel discussion:



2) New Ville restaurant has lots of old charm

by Evelyn Khoo
Living & Arts Editor

In the shop window of Eats and Treats sits a stuffed gorilla with a baseball cap
on its head
and a permanent grin on its face. Its jolly demeanor is not so unlike that of
its owner,
Richard Williams, 45, the chirpy proprietor of the Ville’s latest offering, Eats
and Treats.

The snack shop, taking the place of Celebrity Deli, threw opened its doors for
business on
Sept 3rd and since then, according to Williams, has been experiencing modest

Although the profits have been coming in, it appears that money was not the
first object
with Williams.

“I actually opened this store for my parents. They are really into crafts, my
mother sews
and my father does the woodwork. I wanted to give them a place they could
display their
art,” proclaimed Williams. The cuddly Raggedy Ann dolls and wooden flags that
line the
shelves of Eats and Treats, all products of the fine work of Williams’ parents,
help create the cozy, sepia-print atmosphere of the store.

Williams, who works two other full-time jobs, leaves the store to his parents
and other
family members to tend on the weekdays and only comes in on Sundays to take
inventory and
set up the specials for the week.  Says Williams proudly, “My girlfriend, her
brother-in-law, his daughter, they all come and help out – it’s a family

This 1950s-style homelike simplicity is definitely echoed in the menu, with an
array of
simple baked goods everyday. “I try to keep everything fresh and homemade,” says

But the best part? The similarly-themed 1950s-style prices, where nothing seems
to go above
$5.00. Yum.

Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Sat: 9:00 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.

Check out pix from the Ville’s newest restaurant:



3) World news roundup

* Israeli tanks and helicopters pushed into Gaza City early Tuesday. The clashes
occurred as a result of the incursion killed nine Palestinians and wounded 24.
reported that the attack was an attempt to enter the homes of Palestinians
killed by
Israelis earlier this year. One of the nine men killed, Mohammed Kishko, was a
member of the
Al Aqsa Matyrs Brigade Militia, which is linked to Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat’s Fatah

* The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta released a manual on Monday to all
fifty states,
detailing a plan of action in the event of a bioterrism attack. Focused
specifically on
smallpox, the plan would vaccinate all of the US population within five days. Up
to 1971,
the government routinely administered the vaccine to all children. Though a
vaccination prior to an attack was discussed, this plan was eventually dismissed
because of
the possibility of the vaccine itself killing up to 300 people.

*A trio of storms are ravaging the US and Latin America. Isidore, which had been
to a tropical storm on Monday, has the possibility of turning back into a
hurricane and
affecting the Gulf Coasts of Texas and Louisiana within the next two days.
Meanwile Lili,
reporting winds of 75 mph, continues to assail Barbados and is expected to
become a
full-scale hurricane within 72 hours. Tropical Storm Kyle may strengthen
slightly and
threaten Atlantic shipping interests.


4) Campus events

Aikido Club Practice
Wrestling Room – Lamb-Miller Field House, 7:00 p.m.

Lecture: “As Imagination Bodies Forth”: English Classics from Beowulf to Twelfth
LPAC 301, 9:00 p.m.

Argentine Tango Class
Upper Tarble, 9:00 p.m.



1) Upcoming contests

There are no contests scheduled for today.

Men’s soccer at Neumann, 4:15 p.m.
Women’s soccer at Franklin & Marshall, 4:30 p.m.



“Partying is such sweet sorrow.”
–Robert Byrne

Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette?
Got a news or sports tip for us?
Just want to tell us what you think?

Contact the staff at daily@swarthmore.edu

Managing Editors:   Pei Pei Liu
                              Chiara Ricciardone
                              Jeremy Schifeling
Online Editor:         Jeremy Schifeling
News Editors:         Alexis Reedy
Living/Arts Editor:   Evelyn Khoo
Sports Editor:         Pat Quinn
News Reporters:     Charlie Buffie
                              Mary Harrison
                              Lola Irele
                              Greg Leiserson
                              Megan Mills
                              Alexandra Sastre
                              Aude Scheuer
                              Siyuan Xie
                              Roxanne Yaghoubi
Sportswriters:         Holice Kil
                              Shavaugn Lewis
Photographers:       Liz Bada
                              David Bing
                              Casey Reed
World News:          Roxanne Yaghoubi

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated
regularly, as news happens. Technical support from the Swarthmore College
Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of sources, most
notably the Associated Press (www.ap.org),
Reuters (www.reuters.com), CNN
(www.cnn.com), and The New York Times (www.nytimes.com).
Our world sports
roundup is derived mostly from ESPN (www.espn.com).

To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, or to cancel a subscription,
go to our subscriptions page on the web at


Back issues are available on the web at:


This concludes today’s report.

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Monday, September 23, 2002

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Wednesday, September 25, 2002

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Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The Daily

Monday, December 9, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The Daily

Friday, December 6, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The Daily

Thursday, December 5, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The Daily

Wednesday, December 4, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The Daily
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Monday, September 23, 2002

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Wednesday, September 25, 2002

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