Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, October 8, 1999
Volume 4, Number 20
1) Wawa strike affects deliveries; yogurt machine to be replaced
2) World news roundup
3) Campus events for the week of Fall Break
1) Women’s soccer falls
2) World sports roundup
3) This week’s contests
Today: Mostly sunny, highs in the mid 60s.
Hurray for October break!
Tonight: Fair. Lows in mid to upper 40s.
I plan to spend my days eating, sleeping, doing some overall chilling…
Saturday: Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 70s.
Which will of course include completely ignoring all the work that awaits
me on my return to Swat.
Sunday: Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 50s. Highs in the mid 70s.
Denial is a wonderful thing!
1) Wawa strike affects deliveries; yogurt machine to be replaced
Due to a strike by Wawa delivery employees, Tarble’s Essie Mae’s snack bar
has gone without regular shipments of orange juice and milk since last
Thursday, September 30, according to Marie Dalton, snack bar Manager. As
such, Essie Mae’s has been deprived of its staple Wawa orange juice bottles
for a week. Milk arrives thanks to a snack bar employee who buys gallon
containers from a supermarket.
“They’re just not delivering at all,” said Dalton of Wawa. She has not
heard from the company, and does not know when deliveries will resume.
Because of the strike, Dalton has turned to another distributor for yogurt,
which has brought Columbo and Yoplait brand yogurts to the snack bar, in
place of the usual Dannon. Deliveries of Everfresh juice bottles, soda, and
Snapple, however, remain unaffected, as those products arrive from
distributors other than Wawa.
Sharples has also been affected by the strike, but not as severely. Janet
Kassab, Director of Purchasing for Dining Services, now orders milk and
other dairy products for the dining hall from Balford Farms, another
Delaware County distributor the college has used in the past. Orange juice,
she said, does not come from Wawa, and is therefore not affected by the strike.
“We are a little less than happy that Wawa wasn’t willing to call us” about
the stoppage in service, said Kassab, who has repeatedly been promised
deliveries from her Wawa sales representative. Kassab does not know when
deliveries will resume, but anticipates patronizing Wawa again when they do.
On a related note, Sharples’ frozen yogurt machine, currently out of
commision, will soon be replaced. According to Kassab, the machine has been
plagued by a mechanical problem related to its internal computer. She
expects a new machine to arrive on Monday or Tuesday. Because Dining
Services purchases only yogurt products, and not the machine itself, the
replacement will be done free of charge.
2) World news
Further investigations into Japan’s nuclear accident a week ago are fueling
fears that it was more serious and affected more people than was initially
reported. …Congress has just passed a bill allowing patients to sue their
HMO for denying care. …Police officers clearing up the crash site of a
London commuter train used the many cellular phones lying scattered on the
ground to identify the dead; they found many more than the originally
believed number of 70. …In Mexico, mudslides caused by more than a week
of rain have resulted in at least 131 deaths.
3) Campus events for the week of Fall Break
International Club Movie Night
Kohlberg 228, 8:00 p.m.
There are no events scheduled for this weekend.
Empty the Shelters meeting
Kohlberg 228, 9:00 p.m.
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
DuPont 139, 4:00 p.m.
Visitor Night at Sproul Observatory
Sproul Observatory, 9:00 p.m.
Arboretum Lecture–Ornamental Grasses
LPAC Cinema, 1:00 p.m.
White People Working on Racism
Scheuer Room, 5:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services and Dinner
Bond Memorial Hall, 5:30 p.m.
International Club Movie Night
Kohlberg 226, 8:00 p.m.
White People Working on Racism
Scheuer Room, 8:00 a.m.
Group Meditations
Bond 2nd floor, 9:00 p.m.
1) Women’s soccer falls
Western Maryland took care of the Garnet women Thursday, handing them a 6-0
loss, lowering their record to 5-7 overall, and 0-5 in the Centennial
2) World sports roundup
Cleveland pounded the Red Sox 11-1 on a grand slam by Jim Thome to take a
2-0 in the best of five series. …The Yankees won 3-1 to take a 2-0 lead
over Texas. …The Orioles’ fired manager Ray Miller and General Manager
Frank Wren…Muhammad Ali’s daughter Laila Ali will make her professional
boxing debut tonight.
3) The week’s contests
There are no contests scheduled for today.
Cross Country at Dickinson Invite, 11:00 a.m.
Men’s soccer at Western Maryland, 1:00 p.m.
Field Hockey vs. Messiah College, 1:00 p.m.
Football vs. Muhlenburg College, 1:30 p.m.
Volleyball Seven Sisters Tournament
Field Hockey vs. Ithaca College, 2:00 p.m.
Volleyball Seven Sisters Tournament
Volleyball at Dickinson, 7:00 p.m.
Field Hockey at Washington College, 4:00 p.m.
Women’s soccer vs. Washington College, 4:00 p.m.
Men’s soccer at Gettysburg, 12:00 p.m.
Women’s soccer vs. New York University, 2:00 p.m.
Volleyball at Goucher Tournament, 8:00 p.m.
Cross Country at Allentown Invite, 10:30 a.m.
Women’s soccer vs. Villa Julie College, 1:00 p.m.
Quote of the day: “I would condemn in the strongest terms anyone else who
did what I have done. But the thing is, I did it, I did it, and I know
myself, I know that I mean no harm, I mean well.” –Nicholson Baker, “The
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This concludes today’s report.