Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
Volume 3, Number 45
1) IC party ends in fight
2) World news roundup
3) Campus events
1) Intramural playoffs scoreboard
2) Todays and tomorrows contests
Today: Mostly sunny, slight wind. High of 53.
Remember the song they sing in Peanuts?
Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows in the mid-30s.
I can sing it too
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy, with a high of 58.
is a four-day vacation, only a week away!
1) IC party ends in fight
A fight erupted ending the IC party in Upper Tarble on Saturday night.Details
were sketchy two days later and a public safety investigation continues.Three
windows were broken in the walkway from the lobby of Tarble to Paces and one
combatant was allegedly cut.No injuries were reported to Worth Health Center.
The administration was reluctant to comment before the release of Public
Safety’s report.
Several witnesses sensed considerable tension at the party for much of the
evening.According to the witnesses, a fight broke out slightly after 1:00 a.m.
The confrontation involved at least one Swarthmore student, at least one
person who does not attend Swarthmore, and the combatants friends. Pushing and
yelling continued for some time while some students tried to restrain and calm
the combatants. The DJ stopped the music and turned on the light.The revelers
were then asked to leave. Most party-goers left at this point, though the
fracas continued in Upper Tarble. The windows were allegedly broken by one of
the combatants as he departed the building. Public Safety arrived at 1:19 a.m.
and found that the fighting had already ceased.Swarthmore Police had been
called as a backup but took no action when they reached Tarble four minutes
2) World news roundup
Malaysian Foreign Minister Abdullah Badawi has accused the United States of
encouraging efforts to overthrow the countrys current government, which is
headed by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.While in Malaysia for a conference
recently, US Vice President Al Gore expressed support for Malaysias reform
movement, provoking fury among the government ministers. Gore emphasized the
need for democracy and freedom, praising the brave people of Malaysia who are calling for reform. His remarks have been denounced as unnecessary
interference in Malaysias domestic political affairs.
United Nations weapon inspectors from the United Nations flew back to Baghdad
yesterday to continue their search for weapons of mass destruction. In the
past seven years, weapons inspection has frequently been halted by Iraqs lack of
cooperation. The latest example of Iraqi President Saddam Husseins refusal to
allow weapons inspectors in the country was met with threats of air strikes by
the US and Britain. As planes had already been launched Saturday morning,
Hussein averted strikes by sending letters stating that he would cooperate
with the UN. Once inspectors report that their work is not being hampered, the UN
Security Council will review Iraq’s efforts to eliminate its mass weapons as
provided under resolutions that ended the Gulf War.
The Wye agreement signed by Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat and Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is back on track after Arafat retracted remarks
suggesting that violence would be used to establish a state of Palestine. The
Israeli parliament passed the accord 75-19
Six people were wounded yesterday
in Turkey in a suicide bombing
The Federal Reserve reduced the US short-term
interest rate yesterday in anticipation of the fallout from the economic
problems plaguing the rest of the world. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shot
up in response
A US district judge ruled yesterday that Java cannot be
used in any Microsoft software, including Windows 98 and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Microsoft has 90 days to comply with the command.
3) Campus events
Linguistics lecture
Cathal Doherty, University College of Dublin
Pearson 115, 4:15 p.m.
French lecture
Philippe-Joseph Salazar, U. of Cape Town RSA
Scheuer Room, 4:30 p.m.
CP&P: M&T Bank Info session
Bond Memorial Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Economics Lecture
Ralph Tyron, Federal Reserve Board
DuPont 161, 7:30 p.m.
Mark Manuscript Study
Trotter 215, 8:00 p.m.
Dialogues on IC Vandalism
Danawell Trailer, 8:00 p.m.
Film Society showing: Cane Toads
DuPont 161, 10:00 p.m.
Common Speaking Writing Workshop for Women
Kohlberg 116, 10:00 p.m.
Earthlust Weekly Environmental Meeting
Parrish Commons Conference Area, 10:00 p.m.
Two-Fisted Features Showing
Kirby Lecture Hall, 10:30 p.m.
1) Intramural playoffs scoreboard
Volleyball playoffs:
Mertz Professional Midget Volleyball Association – 2, Alien Attack – 0
Over The Hill Gang – 2, The Anarchists – 0
Willets First – 2, Indeterminate Cleavage – 0
2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
No contests are scheduled for today.
No contests are scheduled for tomorrow.
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Joseph Genereux
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Lorrin Nelson
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Ben Geller
Megan Haberle
Lindsay Herron
Ilya Leskov
Ira Lindsay
Alma Ortiz
Pete Schilla
Jaspal Singh
Rhiana Swartz
Nellie Tong
Rachel Labush
Ben Hanani
Laurie Smith
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This concludes today’s report.
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