Thursday, October 29, 1998

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Thursday, October 29, 1998
Volume 3, Number 32


1)  FFP determines publications budget

2)  World news roundup

3)  Campus events


1)  Men’s soccer falls to Ursinus

2)  Today’s and tomorrow’s events


Today:    Sunny. High of 61.
Looks like nature’s PMS is over…too bad mine’s just beginning.

Tonight:  Mostly clear. Lows around 30.

Tomorrow: Sunny. High of 60.



1)  FFP determines publications budget

This week, the Forum for a Free Press determined the budgets of Swarthmore
student publications. The Forum consists of five members, including three
Student Council appointees and two publication heads. The publications
budget is determined by the Student Budget Committee. The Forum reviewed
applications and approved requests without regard to their budget. To fit
within their budget, they then had to make a uniform cut of 13.8 percent to
all funding appropriations. Among the publications receiving diminished
funding was Small Craft Warnings, a bi-annual literary publication. The
editors of Small Craft Warnings will appeal their funding allocation of
$4,481.00 to the Forum for a Free Press on Monday.  According to Jeroen Van
Der Hoeven ’00, editor, Small Craft Warnings’ two books cost $9,000 to
publish. Small Craft Warnings may reduce its number of pages, use lower
quality paper and cut cover expenses to stay within budget. The editors
will seek funding from other sources, but as Van Der Hoeven said, “$3,000
is hard to come by, so we are in a bit of a bind.” Among the new items in
the budget this year were Elu v’Elu, a magazine dealing with Jewish
expression and identity, and Swarthmore News on Business (SNOB). Anne Hoang
’02, editor of SNOB, stated that its objective is “to increase awareness
about business, especially as related to Swarthmore.”


2)  World news roundup


In London, three high court judges ruled that Augusto Pinochet, former
dictator of Chile, is entitled to immunity from criminal  prosecution in
the English courts because of his status as a former head of state.
Pinochet was arrested two weeks ago for the murder, kidnap, and torture of
political opponents during his 17-year dictatorship. Pinochet’s lawyers
argued that his actions were committed in his “official capacity” for
public function. The British government is to pay $560,000 to cover
Pinochet’s legal expenses. Anti-British feelings have been running high in
Chile since the arrest. British citizens have been warned to avoid
unnecessary travels to Chile, as they might become targets of violence.


The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) will release a
3500-page report on South Africa’s human rights history today. According to
leaks to news services, the TRC condemns the African National Congress
(ANC), which is the party of South African President Nelson Mandela, for
planting mines in rural areas, executing enemy agents, and blurring the
line between the military and civilian targets. Hours after the Commission
announced that they would not implicate the last apartheid president, F.W.
de Klerk, Mandela and the ANC also launched a court action to omit
accusations against the ANC from the report.


Syria and Turkey have expressed a common desire to improve relations after
resolving a tense row over alleged Syrian support to Kurdish rebels… In
Paris, a Pablo Picasso fan is earning $5.6 million by auctioning his
“scribbles” on match boxes, seashells and bits of paper… The National
Basketball Association has canceled all games through November because of
the lockout.


3)  Campus events

All-Ruach Meeting
Trotter 301, 9:00 p.m.

Environmental Services Meeting
Bond Memorial Hall, 10:30 a.m.

Dean’s Brown Bag Lunch
PACES, 12:00 p.m.

Peace and Conflict Studies Meeting
Papazian 325, 4:30 p.m.

Paul Beik Lecture
Bond Memorial Hall, 7:00 p.m.

African Movie Series: “Zamboko”
Black Cultural Center, 7:30 p.m.

Students for a Free Tibet Movie Showing
Kohlberg 115, 8:00 p.m.

Movie Joy Evening
Kohlberg 116, 10:00 p.m.

Greatest Movie Countdown: “The Best Years of Our Lives”
Mary Lyons Lounge, 11:00 p.m.



1)  Men’s soccer at Ursinus

The Garnet was defeated yesterday by Ursinus 2-0 in conference competition,
to 3-14 overall, 0-6 in the Centennial Conference.


2)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


No games are scheduled for today.


No games are scheduled for tomorrow.


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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
  Joseph Genereux
  Jeff Heckelman
  Lorrin Nelson
  Cathy Polinsky
  Jessica Salvatore
  Ty Wilde

Staff Writers
  Jack Borrebach
  Ben Geller
  Megan Haberle
  Lindsay Herron
  Ilya Leskov
  Ira Lindsay
  Alma Ortiz
  Pete Schilla
  Jaspal Singh
  Nellie Tong

  Rachel Labush
  Ben Hanani
  Laurie Smith

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of
Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore College
Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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