Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, October 23, 1998
Volume 3, Number 28
1) Computing center encounters network difficulties
2) Swarthmore AIDS walk team makes debut in Philadelphia
3) World news roundup
4) Campus events
1) Field hockey falls to Rowan
2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
Today: Mostly sunny and not as chilly. Highs near 60.
Tonight: Clear. Lows 40 to 45.
Extended Weekend Forecast:
Saturday: Sunny and mild. Highs in the upper 60s.
Sunday: Fair. Highs in the mid 60s.
Perfect dactyl hunting weather.
1) Computing center encounters network difficulties
On Tuesday night and part of Wednesday, many students were surprised and
perplexed when their network connections started operating much more slowly
than usual. Apparently, a network software program for PCs called COPStalk
started sending out so much traffic that nothing else could get through the
network. Computing Center personnel are still looking into the problem, but
they believe the traffic jam was initiated by two COPStalk programs
miscommunicating with each other, with the print server, or possibly with
something else on the network.
COPStalk is a program which has many functions, such as allowing PCs to
“see” AppleTalk computers. This software is installed on a number of
student computers, so the Computing Center was lucky to track the problem
to an individual computer. A Beardsley computing consultant noticed the
sluggishness on Tuesday night, and the difficulties were fixed that
evening. The same problem occurred the following day, but this time a
different computer was responsible. Scott Price ’00, Dorm Consultant
Manager, noted that the problem could have been caused by pirated copies;
the pirated copies might have “thought” they were the same one and started
sending out conflicting information, causing network problems. Dorm
consultant Chaos Golubitsky ’00 summed up the possible causes: “Something
went ballistic.”
The Computing Center is pursuing a solution to the network tie-ups, and an
all-campus e-mail will be sent out soon to explain the problems in further
2) Swarthmore AIDS walk team makes debut in Philadelphia
Swarthmore’s first AIDS walk team joined over 1000 other teams for
Philadelphia’s annual AIDS walk, held on October 18. Eight students from
Swarthmore participated in the eight-mile, three-hour walk, which began and
ended at the Philadelphia Art Museum.
Altogether, over 25,000 people walked, which was followed by a picnic and a
concert by a blues band. In addition, the walk was preceded by several
speeches from organizers of the event and family members of AIDS victims.
According to team captain Karina Kacala ’02, “Everybody on the team had a
really good time, and it was nice to see so many people from different
backgrounds showing their support for the cause.” Kacala said she started
the team after noting that Bryn Mawr had one, and because “AIDS awareness
was something I thought Swarthmore would be willing to support.”
Swarthmore’s team raised over $800 through fundraising, tabling, and
“It was really successful,” said Kacala, “but I’m looking forward to next
year, when hopefully more people, including faculty members, will get
involved.” She hopes to be Swarthmore’s team captain again next year.
3) World news roundup
Floods brought on by heavy rains last weekend have at most recent count
claimed 28 lives in sixty counties across Texas, as well as costing nearly
one billion dollars in property damage. Four members of one family,
including a two-month old baby, were found dead Thursday in a car that had
been pulled into a flooded creek. The floods are receding in most parts of
the state; however, twenty counties have been marked for federal relief aid.
The Earth Liberation Front, a small, radical environmentalist group,
claimed responsibility Thursday for a fire that caused 12 million dollars
of damage to a ski resort in Vail, Colorado. Investigators have determined
the cause of the blaze to be arson. Other environmental groups have
condemned the action. The resort will open for ski season as scheduled in
early November, though security has been tightened.
Progress was apparently made Thursday in the Israeli/Palestinian talks
taking place in Maryland; a tentative agreement was reached regarding a
release of the Palestinians’ official opposition to an Israeli state…
Wildfires have burned fifteen thousand acres of Californian forest since
last Sunday; firefighters continue to contain the blaze… In one of the
largest toy recalls ever, Fisher-Price recalled up to ten million “Power
Wheels” toy cars, which have been sold since 1984, because of fire risks.
4) Campus events
Bring-a-Friend Shabbat and Learner’s Service
Bond, 6:00 p.m.
SCF Friday Night Worship
Kohlberg 115, 7:30 p.m.
Take Back the Night & Speakout
Parrish steps, 8:00 p.m.
Dead Dog Cafe: ‘Reverend’ Allen Pinkey Jr and His Soul Band
Mary Lyons, 9:30 p.m.
SQU Movie Night: “All Over Me”
IC, 8:00 p.m.
Movie: “Friday”
DuPont Lecture Hall, 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m.
SASS Black Film Series
Kirby, 10:00 p.m.
Pterodactyl Hunt
Students who want to be Hinters meet in Parrish Parlors, 8:00 p.m.
Students who want to be monsters should e-mail hunt@swil.org
Thesbians and Drama Queens.
IC, 2:00 p.m.
Satin Sheets Pajama Party
Paces, 10:00 p.m.
Asian Cooking Class
Worth J Kitchen, 12:00 noon
Dia de la Raza Celebration
Upper Tarble, 5:30 p.m.
Nile Ethiopian Dance Ensemble
LPAC, 8:00 p.m.
Movie: “In the Company of Men”
DuPont Lecture Hall, 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m.
Knit-a-thon fundraiser for the homeless
WRC, 8:00 p.m.
The Brentano String Quartet
Lang, 3:00 p.m.
Protestant Worship
Bond 2nd Floor, 4:00 p.m.
Celebration of Mass
Bond, 6:30 p.m.
Greatest Movie Countdown: “Double Indemnity”
Mary Lyons Lounge, 10:00 p.m.
1) Field hockey falls to Rowan
Despite out-shooting Rowan University 7-2 in the second half, Swarthmore
field hockey dropped a tough 2-1 decision yesterday in a key South Atlantic
region matchup. The Garnet were kept alive by a Becka Stites ’00 goal, but
it was not enough against the region’s number one ranked team. The women
fell to 9-5 on the season with the loss.
2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
No contests are scheduled for today.
Football visits Dickinson at 1:00 p.m.
Women’s cross country visits Mt. Holyoke for the Seven Sisters meet at
11:00 a.m.
Field hockey visits Johns Hopkins at 11:00 a.m.
Men’s soccer hosts Gettysburg at 1:00 p.m.
Women’s soccer visits Johns Hopkins at 1:30 p.m.
Women’s volleyball hosts Ursinus and Western Maryland at 11:00 a.m.
Since the Publications Server is temporarily out of service, the Daily
Gazette contact e-mail addresses are not currently valid. We hope that the
server will be up very soon. Until then, please send all messages, tips,
queries, and comments to jgenere1@swarthmore.edu.
The Daily Gazette
The Daily Gazette Board of Editors
Joseph Genereux
Jeff Heckelman
Lorrin Nelson
Cathy Polinsky
Jessica Salvatore
Ty Wilde
Staff Writers
Jack Borrebach
Ben Geller
Megan Haberle
Lindsay Herron
Ilya Leskov
Ira Lindsay
Alma Ortiz
Pete Schilla
Jaspal Singh
Nellie Tong
Contributing Writer
Priti Batta
Rachel Labush
Ben Hanani
Laurie Smith
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, send e-mail to
jgenere1@swarthmore.edu with the words “subscribe daily” as the subject
of your message. Use the words “unsubscribe daily” to cancel a subscription.
Back issues are available on the World Wide Web at:
This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.