Wednesday, September 16, 1998

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Wednesday, September 16, 1998
Volume 3, Number 7


On Tuesday, September 15, the Gazette reported that George Wallace was the
former governor of Arkansas. He was actually the governor of Alabama. The
Gazette regrets the error.


1)  World news roundup

2)  Campus events


1)  Volleyball drops a tough one

2)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today:    Partly cloudy. High of 86.
 Oh joy…almost as hot as yesterday.

Tonight:  Chance of showers. Low in 40s.
 This definitely isn’t helping.

Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High of 82.


1)  World news roundup


Although part of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s report has already
been made public, the House of Representatives is still debating whether to
release further evidence. A videotape of the grand jury testimony that
President Clinton gave on August 17 is a particular focus of attention.
Both parties have informally agreed to withhold sexually explicit
materials. However, they are split on the issue of releasing the videotape.
Republicans are pushing for the release, claiming that it is an essential
part of the report.


After two days of negotiation with Socialist Prime Minister Fotos Nano and
other international officials, Albanian Democratic Party leader and former
president Sali Berisha finally surrendered two tanks that he had posted
outside the Democratic Party Headquarters, where many of his followers are
currently under siege by police, allegedly armed.  Meanwhile, riots
allegedly organized by Berisha, which started two days ago, continue in
Tirana, Albania. They were triggered by the assassination of Azem Hajdari,
an ally of the Democratic party. Prime Minister Nano had previously been
forced to flee into hiding when the main government building was overrun by
angry crowds, but reappeared to gave a televised address to parliament
yesterday evening, where he promised to not pursue anyone in the Democratic
Party Headquarters who left peacefully and laid down his weapons.


Hopes for Swissair crash investigators faded after they determined that the
cockpit voice recorder failed to work in the crucial 6 minutes before the
crash… The State Department believes that a small satellite which North
Korea attempted to launch in August has the potential to threaten U.S.
allies, but that North Korea probably cannot harm the United States
itself… Amnesty International claimed to news services that Taliban
fighters engaged in the mass killings of the Shiite Hazaras, an ethnic
minority, following the capture last month of Mazar-e-Sherif, an
Afghanistan city… Mark McGwire pulled ahead of Sammy Sosa in their race
to set the new season home run record with his 63rd home run in a game
against the Pittsburgh Pirates.  The Pirates won  8-6.


2) Campus events

Earthlust: Earthlust Weekly Environmental Meeting
Parrish Commons Conference Area, 10:00 p.m.



1) Volleyball drops a tough one

Women’s volleyball dropped to a record of 0-2, coming up short  yesterday
evening in a close 3-1 decision to Franklin & Marshall. After losing  the
first two games, 15-2 and 15-8, Swarthmore recovered to win the third, and
led 14-13 in the fourth before being edged out 16-14. Jenny Yang ’00 boasted 4
kills and 8 digs, while Bonnie French ’01 led the squad with 19 set assists.
Holly Barton ’99 added 4 aces and Elisa Matula ’02 contributed 6 kills.


2) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Women’s soccer hosts Ursinus at 4:00 p.m.
Field hockey visits Franklin & Marshall at 4:00 p.m.
Men’s soccer visits Millersville at 7:30 p.m.


No contests are scheduled for tomorrow.


Since the Publications Server is temporarily out of service, the Daily
Gazette contact e-mail addresses are not currently valid. We hope that the
server will be up very soon. Until then, please send all messages,  tips,
queries, and comments to

The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
  Joseph Genereux
  Lorrin Nelson
  Cathy Polinsky
  Jessica Salvatore
  Ty Wilde

Staff Writers
 Dave Ellis
 Ben Geller
 Megan Haberle
 Lindsay Herron
 Ira Lindsay
 Jassi Singh
 Nellie Tong

Laurie Smith

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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